The devil and the lovers that mean the world – A healing journey

In the tarot there are two cards that have strangely similiar looking pictures, what kind of symbolizes the thin line between them.
The devil and the lovers.
The devil is about codependency and a dangerous approach to love in its most desperate form. It is convincing us that we need our significant other to be whole again. What kind of makin us dependent, what chains us, to them. Whilst the lovers represent a love of choice. Two individuals that are whole on their own and therefor are much more freely bound to each other because they freely decided to do so.

Whilst my studys here on earth, I have witnessed many dynamics between people and their relationships. And the most common form I have stumbled upon was devided into two main directions.

There have been those people that are very sensitive. Mostly they identified themselfs as empaths. Their quality was a nurturing one. They always felt their surroundings, just as it have been their own feelings. But what also mostly was applyable to them was that they have been not realy able to feel themselfs. So overwhelmed from their surroundings, they often got lost in that process. They even embraced these vulnerability as a virtue that they are proud about.
These kind of people have one big thing in common. They got attracted to another kind of people that are much more centered then them which is why they tend to call them narcissists.
But the truth is they simply fear to take the responsibility for their own well being through embracing the supressed parts of themself.

These other kind of people usually mostly have been concerned about themself. Not really feeling their surroundings or at least not really care about that, yes often they have been not even interested in what is going on in the other persons life. The most interest they got was their self. They are not really vulnerable and got not that easy influenced by their surroundings for it simply not touched them.
The funny fact. Also this individuals tended to attract the vulnerable people to themself. Always askin themself why they attract such weak people, which they like to call codependant, when they are themself that strong. At least this is how they liked to perceive themself. Whilst they truly fear to face the wounded and vulnerable parts of themself and taking the responsibility to heal these supressed parts.

These roles can be changed throughout the life. For the sensitive one’s also experienced people that are even more sensitive then them, so they became the self centered one whilst the more egocentric people also have met people throughout their life, that are even more self centered then themself, so that they became the sensitive one.

When both people aligned with each other they formed something like a union. They completed each other. Whilst one plays the hard to get, the runner, the strong and confident person, the other plays the role of the sensitive victim, the chaser or the weak person. Always concerned about feelings and easily got whipped of their feet.
But in this bonds, there always was the feeling of something that is missing. The sensitive one felt like they would have the whole responsibility for the emotional aspects of the relationship, whilst the strong people tended to feel, that they got the whole responsibility for getting the things done that are truly necessary. Through this process, there always grew a dynamic of conflict, where one of the parts began to blame the other one for not takin the responsibilty, the relationship would need, at least from their subjective point of view.

But the truth is. They truly needed one another. Because they have been disconnected to the quality that their significant other represents. Instead they projected those missing and supressed parts of themself on their surroundings and got attracted to it. Again and again and again, in neverending and spectacular, dramatic ways.
That is how the cosm integrated these missing aspects in their life, so that the whole story can be a complete circle.
But with the moving times these days. The dynamics of these seemingly polaritys have become so extreme, that there is nearly noone able to embrace these kind of relationships anymore.
Violence. Betrayal. Ghosting. Narcicissm. Stalking. Victims. Culprits. And always it is the other person that is the reason for this misery. So noone have to learn and to face oneself. One big silent agreement.
The sum of all these conclusions lead to the point, where one have the possibility to recognize, that these energys have always been just two sides of the same medal.

So how can we brake free of that neverending circle of needs and longings?
It is about embracing the qualitys we get attracted to in ourselfs.

So, to the more self centered group. You have to learn your softer sides. Recognizing the softer parts in yourself. Recognizing, accepting, appreciating and healing your vulnerability and therefor devoloping empathic qualitys to appreciate the feelings of your environmental surroundings with all the people in it, just like it would be your own. Simply spoken. Taking the responsibility to be part of the healing of yourself and this world so that vulnerability is no shame or weakness anymore. Yes maybe you have learned to close yourself off in your past to protect yourself from a violent and cold surrounding. But now it is the time to open up again, facing the fear and the pain of being vulnerable, to be kind again, to feel and to be part of the world that really is a warm and loving place. And no. This won’t make you a weak person at all. You already embraced the strength in yourself so that it won’t disappear anymore. In fact you only would begin to really represent the strength that you always wanted to. For vulnerability can be strength. In this case you won’t have to attract those people anymore that are also just a half of the medal that makes us humans complete.

The more sensitive people instead, which tend to feel and care for others more then for their self. You finally have to embrace your own center. To feel yourself. Be yourself and allow yourself. Embracing the fear of beeing alone and a victim to this world what actually isn’t the case anymore. You have grown up. Also there. Yes maybe in your past you have learned that the world is cruel and that you have to rely yourself, to merge yourself to others, to be safe in all of this. But this is not the case anymore. You have the power you need to stand on your own feet and get the things done you want for others and yourself on your own. And no. This won’t make you a bad person at all. You already embraced the empath in yourself to a level where it won’t easily disappear. It will only bring you to a place of wholeness where you don’t be dependent anymore and therefor firstly start to be really able to help the people AND yourself in the way you always wanted to. This will bring you to a level of wholeness. Being the whole medal instead of just one side of it. So also you, won’t have to attract those superficial confident and self centered people anymore.

It never was about waking somebody else up. To rescue or abandon them. It was always just you. Chasing your own tail in neverending circles of selfdefiance.
It is time to face the mirror the universe in it’s humorous and generous ways, always offered you. Time to get whole again so that we all can be the whole medal and becoming the world again, so that we can start to building healthy relationships to one another again. But this time full of trust instead of fear.

We just leave the age of pisces with its christianity and it’s merging quality to be complete, what was kind of necessary in the dark ages we have been trough.
But the times are changing while we are transcending to a new century of aquarius, with it’s individualistic and innovative qualitys. This sign is these days in an ascending direction to the golden age where we don’t need to depend on each other anymore.
What I want to say with this is. It wasn’t the piscean quality that was bad. Like it isn’t the aquarius that is good. It is just a coincidence that the sign qualitys are on that quality of yugas (indian time qualitys) this time. So who knows. Next time the aquarian quality could also lead to a fall of mankind while the piscean qualitys lead us out of it 😉
There is no such thing than better or worse.

In this sense. Be kind, be strong, be loving, be fair. And never forget, we are all sitting in the same boat.

Love to you all of you. Namaste. Have a good time.

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